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Dragon Fusion Story

At the beginning of time there was one powerful all knowing entity. This was the creator of every star, planet, and living being that we see. Although, the entity was not without flaw and therefore formed a council made of human flesh to whom would be his trusted advisors.

The council then made a decision that the world could not maintain perfect balance without "help". The help which they had suggested was the ascension of nine elemental masters. They would be imbued with complete power over there element to maintain and protect balance in the world.

The powerful entity now known as "The One" constructed the nine elemental spirit protectors as the council had asked.

But there was an unforeseen problem. When "The One" had assembled the nine they were brought to a circle formation which represented the balance of all creation. At the center of this circle was Sargnul, the Spirit element.

Shortly after creation Sargnul began to believe that he was the only element needed to look over creation. He sought ways to fuse the eight other elements. To become an all powerful ruler that would answer to no one.

Sargnul had consumed seven of the eight elemental guardians by force. But before he was able to kill the last element, the council cast there last powerful spell which split the elements apart once again and suspended them in time for 99 years.

The last protector, the element of water, was the only one who had survived the battle against Sargnul almost ninety nine years ago.

Without the eight other elements to maintain balance the world had become a miserable place. And for 98 years, 355 days it had rained without so much as a pause. But as the clock struck midnight on the final night, everything stopped for just a moment.

You hear a feint voice. "Ninety nine years is up and you are reborn."

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